Insurance Calculators

In this page we list various calculators to help you calculate your particular insurance needs, or estimate what percentage of your budget you should allocate towards your insurance costs.

Life Insurance Calculators

The following are some calculators which we find to be helpful when determining life insurance premiums and/or payouts:

Mortgage Insurance Calculator – This is a simple calculator that we found useful as many insurance buyers end up being confused by the amount of insurance they need to purchase in order to buy a home. Many times this is a requirement by the part of the lender in order to issue the mortgage.

General Life Insurance Calculator – Bankrate also has a very good calculator for determining your life insurance needs depending on your current income, amount of years you need to cover with your policy, and how many children or dependents you have. Bankrate also provides some tools to obtain various competing quotes, which we recommend you use as Bankrate is a very trusted name in the insurance space.


In the end, it is important to not rely exclusively on any calculator for determining your insurance needs. At the very least, you should consult a licensed insurarace agent or broker to ensure you fully understand the ins and outs of each policy. Remember, a life insurance policy is generally the longest term financial commitment an individual enters in their life, often paying the premiums long after the mortgage has been paid off. In consonance with that, you should treat a life insurance policy with the seriousness that it deserves.